
The design of the next version of Illustrate! has begun in earnest. I'm very keen to hear what you want so that the product will cater to your needs. Simply fill out the form below. Thank you for your time and interest.

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Principle uses of Illustrate!:

Vector animations (Flash, etc)
Technical Illustrations
Cartoon/Cel Animation
Abstract/Artistic Rendering
Other uses:

What are Illustrate!'s strengths?:

Rendering speed
Line quality
Ability to define custom brushes, strokes, styles
Vector output (Flash, Illustrator, etc)
Raster output (Bitmap)


Which new features do you consider the most important?:


More preset styles in Rendering Wizard|
Illustrate! window is confusing, improve this
Access to Illustrate! styles from Material Editor
Tighter integration with Render Effects


Lines that wiggle and extend beyond their borders
Control line properties (thickness, wiggle, etc) via textures, bitmaps, and procedurally (noise)
Transparent lines
Render lines to a 2D spline object inside the scene
Motion blurred lines
Lines to be reflected/refracted in surfaces
Brushes with angle, stretch, etc. controls
Crosshatch, stippled, etc lines on surfaces
Improve anti-aliasing of thin lines
Render separate line types into Render Elements

Line Thickness

Vary based on illumination/shading
Vary based on curvature of surface
Greater control of line width based on distance, e.g. min and max size, multiplier

Line Styles

Setting explicit lengths for linestyle dashes
Ensuring continuity of linestyles where lines connect


Warm/cold shading model (ala Gooch)
More color levels than shadow, diffuse, highlight
Painterly rendering of surfaces (impasto, watercolor, oil, etc)

Vector Output

SVG (Scaleable Vector Graphics) output
Surface shading
Bitmap textures on surfaces
Generate smaller Flash files

Other features:

Any other comments: